When to Wash Your Car Based on Five Dirty Car Factors
1) Do you drive your car every day, or do you only keep it as a showpiece?
2) Where is your car parked the most? in your garage or outside?
3) What are your geographic location and weather conditions?
4) Driving Habits
5) Owner Cleanliness Preferences
Dirty Car Factor #1: Daily Drivers vs Secondary Vehicles, a.k.a. showpiece or Garage Queens
Most of the cars on the road are daily drivers. These are the cars that most people drive to work and do most of their daily tasks in. Because of how often these cars are driven and how often they are out in the weather, they get dirty and contaminated very quickly.
Garage Queens are extra cars that aren’t used very often. Their home is in a garage, and the only time they come out is for special events or weekend trips. The rate at which these cars get dirty is much slower than that of regular drivers because they live in controlled environments. Most of the time, these cars are just dusty on the outside and not really “dirty” inside. As a result, it is almost impossible to set a normal time for washing the car. Because dust on the surface won’t damage the paint as much as chemical or outdoor contaminants can, it’s up to the person washing the garage queen to decide when to do it. Dirty Factor #5 below should be taken into account.
Dirty Car Factor #2: Where is your car parked most of the time? Inside or outside?
A lot of cars that are driven every day live outside, which means that dirt and grime build up on them quickly. This is because things like dust, pollen, insects, trees, and other natural factors are always coming in and making things dirty. Second, people who drive every day are constantly exposed to toxic pollutants from industrial waste and vehicle pollution (ferrous iron, carbon [exhaust], rubber, etc.).
Third, things that live outside are affected by daily dew points. The rate at which the surfaces of a car get dirty or contaminated can be sped up by dew. A kid wearing a white shirt is the best way to explain the idea of dew and the layers of topical bonded contamination. If the child gets grass on their shirt, the mom probably knows how to get it out. But if the child wore the shirt again, spilled ketchup from a hot dog on top of the grass stain, and then played again, rubbing dirt into the ketchup, the stain might be very hard to get rid of. Based on the comparison, dew works like ketchup in that it locks in contaminants and layers them. Everything in the air is caught by dew on Day 1, which helps everything on the surface that day stick to the surface. Day 2: Dew does it again, even better than Day 1. The more of the dame on Days 3, 4, 5, and so on. Because of this, it is suggested that cars that spend most of their time outside be washed every two weeks.
Dirty Car Factor #3: What are your geographic location and weather conditions?
For most people, this factor is very clear because of THEIR location and climate. For example, the weather in Los Angeles, California, is unbelievably mild for those who live there (if you consider heavy traffic, pollution, and overcrowding lucky). Los Angeles doesn’t really have any seasons. It rains less than 10 inches a year, and the average temperature is between 55°F and 85°F. This is very different from people who live in upstate New York. New Yorkers experience all four seasons. It rains between 28 and 62 inches a year, and the temperature ranges from below freezing to 85° F.
For those living in Texas, the summers provide long stretches of clear skies and warm temperatures, while the rainy season is mainly in the spring (March–May) and sometimes in the early fall (September–October) as seasons begin to change. Showers are generally short and intense, and rainy periods last 1–2 days. The winters are fairly mild.
Due to the factors of location and climate, other potentially harmful variables are introduced, such as road salt, to control ice on roads. Love bugs in spring and summer, massive amounts of pollen, flash storms, etc. are also common seasonal variables. Therefore, in certain locations and climates, it is possible for a vehicle to go from clean to filthy in an instant. Additionally, some regions contain lots of loose dirt, dirt roads, pine trees, etc etc.
Dirty Car Factor #4: Driving Habits
The patterns of behavior that are related to how drivers use their vehicles have a substantial effect on the rate at which vehicles accumulate contaminants from the environment. These patterns include things like driving more frequently and not washing the vehicle as often. When drivers park their vehicles under trees, drive through puddles without slowing down, frequently use windshield washers, consume food inside their cars, or drive through puddles at high speeds, this could increase the likelihood that their vehicles will be dirty.
As a result, drivers need to be aware of the environmental conditions and driving variables that have the potential to contaminate their car, in order to maintain the cleanliness of the vehicle for a longer period of time.
Dirty Car Factor #5: Owner Cleanliness Preferences
Some vehicle owners cleanse or wipe their vehicles three to five times per week, as per their cleanliness preference, while other car owners are prompted to cleanse their vehicles every three months or more.
The cleanliness of a car is entirely under the control of the owner, as there’s different variables that could motivate a car owner to wash their car. Every car owner possesses a unique degree of filthiness that triggers an intense sense of urgency, compelling them to immediately abandon all other obligations and clean their vehicle., ASAP.
Credit to Christopher | https://autodetailing-pros.com/